ORACLE DBA Interview Questions

1.  Have you ever done synchronization between databases?
2.  How to do cloning of databases?
3.  RMAN Backup.
4.  If database has been crashed and we are having cold backup of 2 days back then how can we recover?
5.  What is the use of temp tablespace and how can we define temp tablespace?
6.  If database is of 4 tera byte . How much time it will take in backup/storation using export/import?
7.  AWR Reporting.
8.  How to monitor alert log file (using any tool or manual).
9.  What type of errors do u find in alert log file.
10. How to monitor the performance of database.
11. What do u do if client reports about slowness of database.
12. If there are 100 databases, How u will monitor alert log files?
13. How to upgrade oracle database from oracle 10g to oracle 11g?
14. What are the benefits of using upgrade utility over export/import?
15. If you have raised an SR to oracle and Oracle fixed it as a bug and oracle sent a patch, how u will update?
16. What is the size of ur database?
17. How many databases u are handling?
18. Tell me about yourself.
19. How to define backup has been done successfully?
20. After migration, how had u defined recovery has been done completely? Had you done any dry run?
21. ......... Buffer?
22. What is your responsibilities in the project?
23. Have you ever installed Oracle on Unix?
24. What do you do for performance tuning?
25. You have mentioned that u maintain dr site. What do u do? Is it synchronized?
